With the final 10 verses of Daniel 11 there seems to be a shift in who the subject is – no longer are we looking at Antiochus Epiphanes, but a more severe example of the type of person he was. In chapters 7+9 Daniel labeled this person as the “little horn” in his vision, and “the prince who is to come.” In the New Testament he is known as “the man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3-12), the “antichrist” (1 Jn. 2:18), and the “beast” of Revelation (Rev. 11-20).
There are 3 things we can draw from this passage about this tyrannical future ruler: 1) The Coming Antichrist is Corrupt in Character; 2) The Coming Antichrist is Cruel in Conduct; and 3) We Can Be Confident of Christ’s Final Triumph.
We can endure the coming conflicts because we know that Christ wins in the end.
Daniel 11:36-45
Aug. 4, 2024
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