Mar 23, 2025
Growing in Godly Character – Patience is Worth the Wait
Series: Galatians
Patience is the 4th element in Paul’s list of the Fruit of the Spirit, found in Gal. 5:22-23, and probably one of the less popular ones. The first 3, love, joy, and peace, are things that we desire to have. Patience? Maybe not quite as much. It’s not that we don’t think patience is important, it’s just that it’s so hard to be patient sometimes.
In the epistle of James we find believers who were being oppressed and treated unfairly by rich land owners in their communities. They were struggling in many ways and through many circumstances, but James encourages them to be patient. In James 5:7-11 the author intermixes his 3 points: 1) We Are Called to be Patient; 2) Patience is Possible Even When Facing Problems; and 3) We Need to Confront Our Lack of Patience.
God gives us patience to persevere through all of life’s problems.
Galatians 5:22
Mar. 23, 2025
To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 23, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Patience is Worth the Wait
Mar 23, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Patience is Worth the WaitSeries: GalatiansPatience is the 4th element in Paul’s list of the Fruit of the Spirit, found in Gal. 5:22-23, and probably one of the less popular ones. The first 3, love, joy, and peace, are things that we desire to have. Patience? Maybe not quite as much. It’s not that we don’t think patience is important, it’s just that it’s so hard to be patient sometimes.In the epistle of James we find believers who were being oppressed and treated unfairly by rich land owners in their communities. They were struggling in many ways and through many circumstances, but James encourages them to be patient. In James 5:7-11 the author intermixes his 3 points: 1) We Are Called to be Patient; 2) Patience is Possible Even When Facing Problems; and 3) We Need to Confront Our Lack of Patience.God gives us patience to persevere through all of life’s problems.Galatians 5:22Mar. 23, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 16, 2025Growing in Godly Character – The Peace of God’s Presence
Mar 16, 2025Growing in Godly Character – The Peace of God’s PresenceSeries: GalatiansImagine a lighthouse on a rocky outcropping. All around a storm rages, lightning flashes and thunder roars. Enormous waves crash against the cliff below the lighthouse, sending wind whipped spray all the way to the top. It is dark, and loud, and violent. Not exactly a picture of peace.But, imagine we are able to open the door and enter the lighthouse. Inside we find the lighthouse keeper seated at a table with a steaming cup of soup in front of him. He holds a spoon in one hand and a book in the other. There is a smile on his face as he reads, warmed by the crackling fire in the hearth across the room. His dog naps on the floor, curled up near a padded chair. It’s cozy & dry. Despite the chaos and turmoil outside the lighthouse, inside there is peace.This image illustrates the Biblical idea of peace. True peace is not the absence of conflict, trouble, or “storms” in life. True peace allows us to be calm and content, even while the storm rages. It is the calm assurance of God’s protection, provision & grace.Peace is God’s gift to His children. It is the third element of the Fruit of the Spirit which we find in Paul’s list from Gal. 5:22-23. As we look into peace this morning I want to take us to John 14, where Jesus says that He will leave His disciples with peace, even though He is going to be leaving them very soon. There are two primary things which God's peace provides us with: 1) God's Peace Gives Us Comfort; and 2) God's Peace Gives Us Confidence.God’s peace provides us with the comfort and confidence we need to face life.Galatians 5:22March 16,2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 9, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Full of Joy
Mar 9, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Full of JoySeries: GalatiansLife has a way of throwing challenges at us. It can be hard to feel much joy when things in your life are just going wrong.I imagine that’s how the disciples were feeling as they spent what would be their final hours with Jesus. They were beginning to understand that He was going to leave them by way of death. This caused them grief and fear. But, Jesus tried to help them see that their grief was only going to be temporary – their passing grief would give way to lasting joy that only Jesus can bring!In John 16:16-22, there are 3 things which contribute to our Joy in the Lord. First, we see that 1) Jesus Cares About What Concerns Us. Next we find that 2) Jesus Fully Knows the Future. And finally, we acknowledge that 3) Jesus Can Totally Transform Our Lives.Only Jesus can give us true, lasting joy!Galatians 5:22Mar. 9, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 2, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Perfect Love
Mar 2, 2025Growing in Godly Character – Perfect LoveSeries: GalatiansLove shows up a lot in the Bible. If we’re going to understand love the way God wants us to understand it, we need to have it clearly defined for us. There is one passage in particular which makes love the primary focus.In 1 Cor. 13:4-7, Paul sets out to define love: 1) What Love Is; and 2) What Love Isn’t – basically, what it does and does not do. There, Paul uses 15 different verbs to describe the love which God has for us, and the love which we are to have towards others.We need to love others the way God loves us.Galatians 5:22Mar. 2, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 23, 2025Warning Lights on the Dashboard
Feb 23, 2025Warning Lights on the DashboardSeries: GalatiansWith the final verses of Galatians 5, Paul gives a list of vices and virtues – a list of the works of the flesh vs. the fruit of the Spirit. In doing so, Paul provides a checklist for measuring the conduct of those who consider themselves spiritual. These are the markers of how we are doing, bad or good.In this message we are only going to look at the negative side of things which Paul presents in verses 19-21. He groups these 15 sins into 4 categories, warning us to steer clear of : 1) Sexual Sins; 2) Spiritual Sins; 3) Social Sins; and 4) Self-Indulgent Sins. The last thing we'll look at is our need to: 5) Understand the Seriousness of Our Sinful Habits.Habitual sin has horrible consequences.Galatians 5:19-21Feb. 23, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 16, 2025Liberty is Not License
Feb 16, 2025Liberty is Not LicenseSeries: GalatiansThe false teachers in Galatia were concerned with Paul’s message of freedom in Christ. They apparently thought that if people were freed from the requirement to obey God’s Law, chaos would result. It would encourage people to live according to every selfish wish.In Galatians 5:13-18, Paul seeks to counter this concern by explaining that Christian liberty is not license to live however we want. Instead, Paul points out 2 things: that 1) We are Set Free for Loving Service, and that 2) We are to Live Life by the Spirit’s Leading.His point is that true Christian freedom is seen in lovingly serving others by the Spirit’s leading.Galatians 5:13-18Feb. 16, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 9, 2025Do Not Disturb
Feb 9, 2025Do Not DisturbSeries: GalatiansThere are so many different things that can disturb us in this life. Wouldn't it be nice to hang out a "Do Not Disturb" sign and know that these things will simply go away? Regrettably, that's not what happens. It is not just our circumstances that can disturb us, but people telling us things that are untrue as well. We need to carefully evaluate the things we hear and are taught, to be sure it aligns with God's truth.In Galatians 5:7-12, Paul sets about to expose the false teachers who were disturbing the Galatians, showing who they are, what they are doing, and what their destiny is. Along the way, Paul ends up giving us 6 signs that you may be sitting under a false teacher: 1) False Teachers Distract Christians from Faithful Obedience; 2) False Teachers Replace God’s Clear Truth with Their Own Clever Teaching; 3) False Teachers Push Their Misguided Message to Every Part of the Church; 4) False Teachers Cause Confusion and Face Condemnation; 5) False Teachers Spread False Reports about Spiritual Leaders; and 6) False Teachers Focus on Sensational Rituals being Required for Salvation.Stand firm in your faith and don’t be disturbed by false teachers.Galatians 5:7-12Feb. 9, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 2, 2025Freedom!
Feb 2, 2025Freedom!Series: GalatiansPaul’s view of freedom is much different from our society’s view of freedom. For Paul, freedom begins only in a relationship with God through Christ and in the Spirit, while our culture sees freedom as doing whatever a person wants.In the opening verses of Galatians 5, Paul discusses true, Biblical freedom, a freedom only found in a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. The chapter opens with Paul’s call to 1) Stand Firm in the Freedom You’ve Received by Faith. This is followed by his explanations of what legalism does and what faith does: 2) Legalism Lacks the Power to Save and Leads You Away from the Savior; and 3) Saving Faith Waits on the Lord and Works at Loving.Faith in Christ frees us from trying to earn salvation and leads us to truly love others.Galatians 5:1-6Feb. 2, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Jan 26, 2025Who’s Your Mama?
Jan 26, 2025Who’s Your Mama?Series: GalatiansRelationships matter, and sometimes they offer us certain privileges. Of course, the most important relationship anyone could possibly have is with the One True God. That is a relationship which is offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the message of the Bible – the Good News that we can be forgiven for our sins and have the privilege of receiving eternal life, if we will confess our sins and believe in God’s Son.Paul has been writing to try to bring the Galatians back to an understanding of the simple truth that we are saved by faith, not by works of the Law. In Gal. 4:21-31, Paul highlights 3 basic principles about the Christian faith: 1) Saving Faith is Based on an Accurate Understanding of the Bible; 2) There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Approach Our Relationship with God; and 3) Remaining Committed to God’s Truth Can Create Conflict.A clear understanding of who you are in Christ should guide your conduct.Galatians 4:21-31Jan. 26, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Jan 19, 2025I Wanna Be Like You
Jan 19, 2025I Wanna Be Like YouSeries: GalatiansPaul had already taught the Galatians about salvation through faith in Christ. But, they seemed to be reverting to leaning on the Law for their relationship with God. This was the result of some false teachers who had come into the church spreading heresy.In Galatians 4:12-20, Paul makes a plea to the Galatians to follow his example to them. He lays out 5 things for us in this passage which are designed to encourage us in our pursuit of Christ. We need to: 1) Strive to Be an example to other believers; 2) Seek out good spiritual role models; 3) Stand firm in your faith; 4) Steer clear of those who cause spiritual harm; and 5) Spur each other on to grow in Godliness.We need to persistently and patiently encourage each other in our pursuit of Christ.Galatians 4:12-20Jan. 19, 2025To watch the video of this message, click here.