Apr 18, 2021
Dealing with Doubt
Series: John
Jesus appears again to His disciples, including Thomas, who was absent on the previous occasion.  Understandably, Thomas was skeptical about Jesus' resurrection.  But, upon seeing Jesus, he believed. This passage helps us see how we can deal with our doubt.  Don’t discourage doubt – encourage evaluation of the evidence – and respond to the rationality of the Christian faith.
Evaluating the evidence will show you the rationality of the Christian faith.
John 20:24-31 April 11, 2021
To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Apr 18, 2021Dealing with Doubt
    Apr 18, 2021
    Dealing with Doubt
    Series: John
    Jesus appears again to His disciples, including Thomas, who was absent on the previous occasion.  Understandably, Thomas was skeptical about Jesus' resurrection.  But, upon seeing Jesus, he believed. This passage helps us see how we can deal with our doubt.  Don’t discourage doubt – encourage evaluation of the evidence – and respond to the rationality of the Christian faith.
    Evaluating the evidence will show you the rationality of the Christian faith.
    John 20:24-31 April 11, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Apr 11, 2021When Jesus Shows Up
    Apr 11, 2021
    When Jesus Shows Up
    Series: John
    As the disciples hid in fear behind locked doors, Jesus showed up to encourage them, and to prove to them that He had risen from the dead.  His presence offered them peace, perspective, purpose & power.
    The joy of Jesus’ presence prepares us to face life’s challenges.
    John 20:19-23
    April 11, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Apr 4, 2021What’s Going On Here?
    Apr 4, 2021
    What’s Going On Here?
    Series: Easter
    The Bible gives us plenty of information about the first Easter. Because it is so familiar to us, I want to encourage us to ask 3 questions to help us evaluate the events of Easter: 1) Is it real? 2) What does it mean? 3) What do I do with it?
    What Easter confirms for us is that Jesus died for your sins and rose again to offer you forgiveness and eternal life with Him.
    John 20:1-18
    April 4, 2021
    Easter Sunday
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Mar 28, 2021Authority Issues
    Mar 28, 2021
    Authority Issues
    Series: Easter
    In the middle of Matthew 21, Jesus' authority is challenged by the religious leaders of Jerusalem. However, it was just the day before that three events took place which demonstrated Jesus' authority and Lordship. In considering these, we need to consider our response to Jesus' authority as well.
    What we find is that the proper response to Jesus' authority is obedience.
    Matthew 21:1-27
    March 28, 2021
    Palm Sunday
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Mar 21, 2021Distorted Images of God: Weak?
    Mar 21, 2021
    Distorted Images of God: Weak?
    Looking at four accounts from Luke 8, we see Jesus demonstrate that He is the all-powerful God, exercising authority over nature, the spiritual realm, sickness, and even death.
    Christ is more powerful than any crisis.
    Luke 8:22-56
    March 21, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Mar 14, 2021Distorted Images of God: Withholds from Us?
    Mar 14, 2021
    Distorted Images of God: Withholds from Us?
    In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows us that God knows our needs and willingly cares for us.  Far from withholding from us, God is the one who provides for us.
    Matthew 6:25-34 + 7:7-11
    March 14, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Mar 7, 2021Distorted Images of God: Abandons Us?
    Mar 7, 2021
    Distorted Images of God: Abandons Us?
    A look a the parable of the lost sheep.  Far from abandoning us, the Lord God is the one who pursues us.
    It brings joy to Jesus to seek and save the lost.
    Luke 15:1-7
    March 7, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Feb 28, 2021Distorted Images of God: Unreliable?
    Feb 28, 2021
    Distorted Images of God: Unreliable?
    Psalm 145 is filled with praise for God. David begins with his individual promise to praise God, going on to focus on praising God for things He has done, and Who He is. Then, David moves on to the corporate praise of God by the people of God, praising God for His kingdom, His universal sustaining grace, and for His faithfulness to His people. Finally, David expresses his desire, that every creature, every person in all creation, would praise God and His character forever and ever.
    Remembering that God is faithful & trustworthy gives us many reasons to praise Him.
    Psalm 145:1-21
    February 28, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Feb 21, 2021Distorted Images of God: Abusive?
    Feb 21, 2021
    Distorted Images of God: Abusive?
    At the end of Matthew chapter 20 we are introduced to two men who were suffering from blindness.  They experienced some abuse as a result, but they didn’t allow it to influence what they believed about Jesus, the Son of God.  There are 2 things we see in this short section of Scripture – 1) Jesus demonstrates the compassion of God as He heals the men of their blindness.  2) We need to respond in faith to God’s compassion & healing.
    Trust Jesus to compassionately care for you.
    Matthew 20:29-34
    February 14, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Feb 14, 2021Love is…
    Feb 14, 2021
    Love is…
    Series: (All)
    Early in the Gospel of John, Jesus shows us that God reached out, for a good reason, with guaranteed results, to get a response.
    Live in the light of God’s love for you – believe in His Son for salvation.
    John 3:16-21
    February 14, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.