Jul 10, 2022
Avoiding Spiritual Amnesia
Series: Psalm 119
Forgetting things is an unfortunate aspect of daily life for most of us.  From time to time, things slip our minds - we forget to stop at the store on the way home, we forget an appointment we made some months earlier, etc.  Regrettably, we can also find ourselves forgetful when it comes to the Bible.  You may be reading a portion of Scripture you know you've read before, but there is a verse that stands out so much, you wonder how you could have forgotten it. 
So, how do we keep from forgetting God’s Word?  3 words – repetition, repetition, repetition.  The more time we spend focused on God’s Word, the easier time we have remembering it.  The psalmist shows us in this final section of Psalm 119 just how focused he is on the word of God – it is 1) the subject of his prayer, it is 2) a matter of praise, 3) he depends on it, and 4) he knows deliverance through it.
Make God’s Word the focus of your prayer, praise, dependence & deliverance.
Psalm 119:169-176
July 10, 2022
To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 10, 2022Avoiding Spiritual Amnesia
    Jul 10, 2022
    Avoiding Spiritual Amnesia
    Series: Psalm 119
    Forgetting things is an unfortunate aspect of daily life for most of us.  From time to time, things slip our minds - we forget to stop at the store on the way home, we forget an appointment we made some months earlier, etc.  Regrettably, we can also find ourselves forgetful when it comes to the Bible.  You may be reading a portion of Scripture you know you've read before, but there is a verse that stands out so much, you wonder how you could have forgotten it. 
    So, how do we keep from forgetting God’s Word?  3 words – repetition, repetition, repetition.  The more time we spend focused on God’s Word, the easier time we have remembering it.  The psalmist shows us in this final section of Psalm 119 just how focused he is on the word of God – it is 1) the subject of his prayer, it is 2) a matter of praise, 3) he depends on it, and 4) he knows deliverance through it.
    Make God’s Word the focus of your prayer, praise, dependence & deliverance.
    Psalm 119:169-176
    July 10, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 3, 2022What Distracts Your Devotion?
    Jul 3, 2022
    What Distracts Your Devotion?
    Series: Psalm 119
    Our world is full of distractions.  No matter where you are, you will find that there are dozens of things that can draw your attention away from whatever it is you are trying to focus on.  This happens too in our praise and worship of God. 
    In this message we'll ask the question, “What Hinders our Praise?” The answer to this will reveal some of the distractions we face in our faith.  The more we are able to identify these distractions, the more we can learn to get around them and strive for obedience.
    Let’s show our love for God & His Word by making it our purpose to praise Him and obey Him in everything.
    Psalm 119:161-168
    July 3, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jun 26, 2022Spiritually Dialing 911
    Jun 26, 2022
    Spiritually Dialing 911
    Series: Psalm 119
    You know what phone number to call in an emergency, right?  911.  That number is plastered on virtually every fire truck, police car and ambulance you see.  It is the number to call when you need help.
    There are some remarkable similarities between calling 911 and prayer.  Just as you can dial 911 from any phone and get help, you can pray no matter where you are and God will hear you.  In Psalm 119:153-160 we see that: 1) God encourages us to pray in our Affliction; 2) He wants us to pray about our Adversaries; and 3) He certainly appreciates our prayers of Affection.
    God is able to sustain us even when others stand against us.
    Psalm 119:153-160
    June 26, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click hhttps://youtu.be/VwGW9ahzL6Iere.
  • Jun 5, 2022A Passionate Prayer Life
    Jun 5, 2022
    A Passionate Prayer Life
    Series: Psalm 119
    How’s your prayer life?  Is it passionate?  Do you pray always about everything?  Or do you only pray when things are going bad and you need help? 
    Our author in Psalm 119 gives us a lesson in prayer, and it is clear that he had a passionate prayer life.  Four things show up in our text.  First, we see the Fervent Nature of His Prayer.  Next, we have the Full-Time Manner of His Prayer.  Thirdly, we witness the Focused Hope of His Prayer.  And, finally, he draws our attention to the Faithful Presence of God.
    Passionate prayer is our means for enjoying the presence of God and His loving promises.
    Psalm 119:145-152
    June 5, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • May 29, 2022Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk
    May 29, 2022
    Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk
    Series: Psalm 119
    So many things are changing so rapidly in today's culture; morality and truth among them.  What used to be wrong is now right; what was to be avoided is now sought and encouraged.  Christians who believe that some things that never change seem out of step with our culture.  Yet, there are absolutely some things that never change: God never changes, so God’s truth never changes.  God is completely righteous – He is who He says He is, and does what He says He will do. 
    These are the thoughts that occupy the psalmist’s mind in Psalm 119:137-144.  In this passage our author gives us 1) A Glimpse of God’s Righteousness.  Then he speaks to us of 2) Responding to God’s Righteousness.  Finally, our author makes the bold claim that 3) God’s Righteousness is Right.
    Let’s live lives of obedience in response to God’s righteousness.
    Psalm 119:137-144
    May 29, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • May 22, 2022Watching Your Step
    May 22, 2022
    Watching Your Step
    Series: Psalm 119
    Everywhere we go we see signs, put up for our benefit.  These signs guide us, help us to find what we’re looking for, and help to keep us out of trouble if we heed the message.  The Bible provides many of these same benefits.  God’s Word is given to us to guide us, to help us know where we are and where we are going, it provides direction, and it warns us about harmful things, that we might watch our step.
    In this section of Psalm 119 our author affirms the goodness of God’s Word and prays for God’s help to live in obedience to God’s commands.  First, he considers the benefits of God's Word.  Secondly, he boldly prays for God's blessing.  Finally, he expresses his burden for those who deny God.
    God has blessed us with His Word that we might grow in Christian maturity & show compassion for the lost.
    Psalm 119:129-136
    May 22, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • May 15, 2022God’s Got This!
    May 15, 2022
    God’s Got This!
    Series: Psalm 119
    Are you experiencing need right now?  Many people are.  These have been difficult times for many, and our needs continue to change and grow.  We can bring all our needs to the Lord in prayer. God is our provider; He gives us hope of salvation; God strengthens us for obedience; and He is present with us always.
    The author of Psalm 119 also understood what it was to be in need.  He was struggling and felt oppressed by those who were seeking his downfall.  In verses 121-128, the psalmist does 5 things as he struggles: 1) he prays for God’s provision; 2) he declares his patient hope; 3) he issues a plea for practical perception; 4) he prays for God’s presence & power; and 5) he declares his reverence & respect for God’s Law.
    Pray to God, our protector & provider, for grace to live obediently.
    Psalm 119:121-128
    May 15, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • May 1, 2022Wholly Holy
    May 1, 2022
    Wholly Holy
    Series: Psalm 119
    God calls us to be holy.  That means we are to be set apart, we are to avoid participating in that which is sinful and carnal.  Still, we all still struggle against our sin nature and temptation towards doing things that God commands us to avoid.  We do this while living in a world which has values that often stand opposed to holiness and Godly righteousness.
    This section of Psalm 119 presents an "oil and water" like comparison of the carnal and the holy.  In these verses, our author describes 1) the Character of the Carnal Person – he shows us 2) God’s Condemnation of the Carnal Person – he demonstrates 3) How We Should Handle Conflict with the Carnal Person – and finally, he guides us in 4) Seeking God’s Support to Be Set Apart, and in cultivating 5) A Healthy Respect for God’s Righteousness.
    We need to look to the Lord for help to live holy lives.
    Psalm 119:113-120
    May 1, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Apr 3, 2022Determined to Obey
    Apr 3, 2022
    Determined to Obey
    Series: Psalm 119
    Obedience is hard!  One of the problems we face is that for as much as we may want to obey, we still struggle to do so consistently.  This leaves us questioning ourselves, thinking things like, "How can I obey more consistently when obedience is so hard?  What kind of things can help me in my quest to obey?"
    In this section of Psalm 119 , we find our author making strong, personal commitments to obedience.  As he does so, he lays out 3 things that can help us here.  Our obedience can be helped by: 1) Acknowledging God’s Guidance; 2) Enduring rimes of distress; and 3) Remembering What We Have Received.
    Let’s commit to faithful obedience and acknowledge God’s help in it.
    Psalm 119:105-112
    April 3, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Mar 27, 2022Improving Your Spiritual I.Q.
    Mar 27, 2022
    Improving Your Spiritual I.Q.
    Series: Psalm 119
    It’s good to be smart, but it’s better to be wise, because wisdom knows to use those smarts.  It should go without saying that if we are after wisdom, there is no better person to get it from that God Himself.  Yes, He’s smart, He knows everything, but He’s also wise, doing all things perfectly.  
    Psalm 119 is a wonderful source of wisdom, helping us to improve our spiritual I.Q.  There are 4 things that show up in verses 97-104 regarding Godly wisdom.  Our author shows us: 1) the Key to Godly Wisdom; 2) the Measure of Godly Wisdom; 3) the Goal of Godly Wisdom, and 4) the Enjoyment of Godly Wisdom.
    A love for God’s Word leads to growth in Godly wisdom.
    Psalm 119:97-104
    March 27, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.