Apr 10, 2022
Extravagant Love
Series: Easter
The Bible is full of verses in which God assures us that He loves us. He shows us His love by what He says, by what He has done, and by the time He offers to spend with us. What is our response? How do we love God in return? Do we tell Him? Do we do things to show Him? Do we make a priority out of spending time with Him?
In Mark 14:3-9 we see one woman’s amazing expression of love toward Jesus. This extravagant love is met with two different reactions on the parts of those who witnessed it. First we see an antagonistic evaluation of love by those nearby. But, then we see Jesus accept and endorse this love.
We should love our Lord without limits.
Mark 14:3-9
April 10, 2022 - Palm Sunday
To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Apr 10, 2022Extravagant Love
Apr 10, 2022Extravagant LoveSeries: EasterThe Bible is full of verses in which God assures us that He loves us. He shows us His love by what He says, by what He has done, and by the time He offers to spend with us. What is our response? How do we love God in return? Do we tell Him? Do we do things to show Him? Do we make a priority out of spending time with Him?In Mark 14:3-9 we see one woman’s amazing expression of love toward Jesus. This extravagant love is met with two different reactions on the parts of those who witnessed it. First we see an antagonistic evaluation of love by those nearby. But, then we see Jesus accept and endorse this love.We should love our Lord without limits.Mark 14:3-9April 10, 2022 - Palm SundayTo watch the video of this message, click here.
- Apr 3, 2022Determined to Obey
Apr 3, 2022Determined to ObeySeries: Psalm 119Obedience is hard! One of the problems we face is that for as much as we may want to obey, we still struggle to do so consistently. This leaves us questioning ourselves, thinking things like, "How can I obey more consistently when obedience is so hard? What kind of things can help me in my quest to obey?"In this section of Psalm 119 , we find our author making strong, personal commitments to obedience. As he does so, he lays out 3 things that can help us here. Our obedience can be helped by: 1) Acknowledging God’s Guidance; 2) Enduring rimes of distress; and 3) Remembering What We Have Received.Let’s commit to faithful obedience and acknowledge God’s help in it.Psalm 119:105-112April 3, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 27, 2022Improving Your Spiritual I.Q.
Mar 27, 2022Improving Your Spiritual I.Q.Series: Psalm 119It’s good to be smart, but it’s better to be wise, because wisdom knows to use those smarts. It should go without saying that if we are after wisdom, there is no better person to get it from that God Himself. Yes, He’s smart, He knows everything, but He’s also wise, doing all things perfectly.Psalm 119 is a wonderful source of wisdom, helping us to improve our spiritual I.Q. There are 4 things that show up in verses 97-104 regarding Godly wisdom. Our author shows us: 1) the Key to Godly Wisdom; 2) the Measure of Godly Wisdom; 3) the Goal of Godly Wisdom, and 4) the Enjoyment of Godly Wisdom.A love for God’s Word leads to growth in Godly wisdom.Psalm 119:97-104March 27, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 20, 2022Rock-Solid Stability
Mar 20, 2022Rock-Solid StabilitySeries: Psalm 119Most of us like things that are dependable. For as much as your dog or your garbage disposal may fit that description, there is one who really is the definition of dependability – God Himself. God is faithful. In this section of Psalm 119, our author encourages himself with reminders of God’s faithfulness: 1) God’s faithfulness is demonstrated in His Creation; and 2) God's faithfulness is discovered in His Word.God’s sufficiency is more than a match for our sufferings.Psalm 119:89-96March 20, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 13, 2022Hanging On When You’re at the End of Your Rope
Mar 13, 2022Hanging On When You’re at the End of Your RopeSeries: Psalm 119When we are going through difficult times in our lives, it can feel hard to persevere. The author of Psalm 119 certainly knew this to be true. Yet, in the midst of his dark time, there were still rays of hope that shined through, reminding him that all was not lost.As the psalmist wrestles through difficult times, he helps us understand 3 things about perseverance. He helps us to see: 1) What Makes Perseverance Difficult; 2) What Makes Perseverance Necessary; and 3) What Makes Perseverance Possible.Remember God’s promises, and be real as you pray for the strength to persevere.Psalm 119:81-88March 13, 2022https://youtu.be/xQZ3iTXdqugTo watch the video of this message, click here.
- Mar 6, 2022Hope & Purpose Amidst Affliction
Mar 6, 2022Hope & Purpose Amidst AfflictionSeries: Psalm 119In Psalm 119:73-80, our author works from both ends to the middle, expressing his concerns and ultimately getting to his heart's chief desire. Beginning with the outside verses, the psalmist expresses 1) His desire for Christian maturity. Moving in one level, he expresses 2) His concern for fellowship with other believers. The next circle encompasses 3) His experiences with affliction. And finally at the core of this passage are what the psalmist recognizes as 4) His deepest needs.Pray for God’s comfort & compassion during difficult circumstances, and pray that you might be a blessing to other believers in the process.Psalm 119:73-80March 6, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 27, 2022The Discipline Factor of Discipleship
Feb 27, 2022The Discipline Factor of DiscipleshipSeries: Psalm 119As much as we would prefer not to acknowledge it – discipline is a part of discipleship. God sometimes allows affliction to come into our lives in order to drive us toward Him.The author of Psalm 119 looks at this wonderful paradox from 3 directions: 1) He looks back at his life, evaluating the Products of Past Affliction – 2) He looks at his current circumstances and sees God’s Preservation through Present Affliction – and 3) He concludes by taking an inward look, determined to Maintain a Proper Perspective on Affliction.Depend on God not only to bring you through difficult times, but to grow you through them.Psalm 119:65-72Feb. 27, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 20, 2022Focused & Following
Feb 20, 2022Focused & FollowingSeries: Psalm 119Most people don’t plan to fail, but, many fail to plan. The author of Psalm 119 clearly had a desire to be obedient to God, and in this section of the Psalm, we see some of the plans he had made to help him do so. We learn 3 things about planning in these verses: 1) Planning for Obedience Requires Focus; 2) We Must Plan for Obedience Around Frustrations; and 3) Planning for Obedience is Aided by Fellowship.Thank God for His provision, and plan to obey Him with everything you’ve got.Psalm 119:57-64Feb. 20, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 13, 2022How’s Your Memory
Feb 13, 2022How’s Your MemorySeries: Psalm 119We struggle to remember things from time to time. We forget where we’re going and end up driving right past our destination. We walk into a room and immediately forget what we came in there for. In Psalm 119:49-56 we see 3 ways in which memory can play a role in helping us deal with difficult times and an uncertain future: 1) We are remembered by God in our affliction; 2) We need to remember God’s Word in our adversity; 3) We are to remember God through our alienation.Remembering God and His Word are the key to confidently facing the future.Psalm 119:49-56Feb. 13, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.
- Feb 6, 2022Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Righteousness
Feb 6, 2022Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of RighteousnessSeries: Psalm 119God loves us and has offered us a relationship with Himself. Psalm 119:41-48 highlights 3 things that God’s unfailing love brings into our relationship with Him. First, God’s Unfailing Love Brings Life – eternal life and the power for living daily. Second, God’s Unfailing Love Brings Liberty – the freedom to choose to do and say what’s right. And thirdly, God’s Unfailing Love Brings Righteousness – His love helps us to rise to the occasion of obedience, and allows us to enjoy the rewards of righteous behavior.Let's ask God to give us the grace to live boldly according to His Word.Psalm 119:41-48Feb. 6, 2022To watch the video of this message, click here.