How do I get to Pine Grove Baptist Church?
We are located on the corner of S. Bradley Road and E. Rice Ranch Road, across from Pine Grove Elementary School.  Our address is 5551 S. Bradley Road.  You can always reach us at (805) 937-4538.
Below you will find information about children’s ministries on Sunday.  Please take a moment before the service begins to visit the Child Check-in Kiosk in the lobby.  Once your child is checked in, you will receive both a nametag for your child, as well as a tag for yourself.  This allows us to maintain careful security in caring for your kids and seeing that they are released to the proper person(s) at the conclusion of the service.
Nursery care is provided for children from newborn to 4 years of age.  The nursery is located on the second floor.  Follow the stairs up from the lobby to the nursery.  All of our volunteers who work with children under the age of 18 have been background checked, and have participated in our Safeguard From Abuse child abuse awareness training.

Kids Connection 

We believe that kids learn the most about worshiping God from Mom and Dad and so we encourage families to participate in corporate worship together.  During the Sunday morning service, children Kindergarten – 6th grade attend church with their parents for the initial portion of the service.  At an appointed time early in our service (before the message), an announcement is made inviting children K-6th Grade to meet their Kids Connection teachers at the back of the Worship Center.  Their teachers will escort them to class upstairs across from the nursery.  Parents will pick up their children from their respective rooms at the conclusion of service.

If you are concerned about your kids making noise or “misbehaving” while together with adults in the morning worship service, let us put your mind at ease.  We think kids need to be allowed to be kids.  We welcome them and their noises because we see the value of teaching our children to worship the Lord together with the family of God.

How should I dress?

There is not a dress code at Pine Grove Baptist Church for members or guests.  But, in case you’re wondering how most people around here will be dressed, it’s pretty broad.  A lot of guys wear jeans and a polo or button up shirt.  Ladies wear jeans, pants, skirts, and dresses.  We look forward to seeing you, not what you’re wearing.

Am I expected to participate in the offering?

No.  We don’t invite you to Pine Grove Baptist Church for your offering.  Instead, we hope you will find the truth of God’s Word, the warmth of a family, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace.  Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.

10:00 AM